
Why people choose us

Painting rocks!

We’ve been staying at my family’s beach house on Bainbridge Island this week, where the water is cold and the beaches are rocky.

Natural Toys!

Conscious Craft believe that if we give children good quality toys and craft materials they will make and play with beautiful things.

Moms Talk

So many cute and stylish goods, so I bought many of them for my little son.

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Our team

Monica Clark

Monica Clark

Senior Manager

Monica was born Los Angeles. Her family owned a small grocery store, so she has learned how to  manage shop since her childhood.

Tina Rogers

Tina Rogers

Junior Manager

Tina is the person who knows all about child goods and even more. She works with corporate clients, warehouses as well as with our regular clients.

Nina Gomez

Nina Gomez

Customer Support

Nina will gladly answer all your questions regarding goods, their availability in stock, shipping charges, estimated shipping dates and other.

Jack Wage

Jack Wage

Billing Specialist

Jack is a our Billing expert. He can answer your questions about your account, payment or refund status. He is also in charge of providing.

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